Breviary Bugs

This is a listing of current Known Errors in the St. Bede’s Breviary code ranging from the trivial to the major. The order shown here is not necessarily the order of priority nor the order in which they will be addressed.

  • Announcement of Second Reading runs into bottom of canticle in Morning Prayer
  • No gospel canticle antiphon in Evening Prayer
  • Missing psalm antiphons for partial lectionary psalms
  • Manual date table
  • Contemporary language in Rite I gospel canticle antiphons
  • Re-evaluate House Kalendar given latest LFF entries and other materials
  • Make canticle selecting column dynamic

Requested Enhancements

This is a list of additional features requested by users that will be added as I am able.

  • Option to include full text of traditional Confession (“and there is no health in us…”)
  • Option to use pre-1979 BCP lectionaries

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